The Champion for Peace charter

As an internationally-renowned athlete,

I am aware that sport has been a great chance in my life. It has given me opportunities, enabled to be a better citizen, and it motivates me being a role model for millions of people who play and watch sport throughout the world. In this I believe I have a responsibility towards society.

I firmly believe that sport is not limited to podiums and world records. It builds bridges between cultures and fosters the universal values of respect, tolerance, fair-play, discipline, self-confidence, and going beyond personal limits.

I am committed to giving back to society so that sport and its ideals can change the lives of a maximum number of people, in particular the lives of vulnerable young people in areas of the world that are dangerous or at risk.

I believe that sport can be a tool for their personal development, education and social integration and that sport played in a structured way, with identical rules for all, can nurture inter-community dialogue, social solidarity and sustainable peace.

This is why I support “Peace and Sport, l’Organisation pour la Paix par le Sport” and I agree to become a member of the club of top-level athletes known as “Champions for Peace”.

As a “Champion for Peace”,

I would like to help Peace and Sport’s actions by mobilizing my network, and making my reputation, my time and my experience available to the organization.

I will act to make sport a tool for dialogue and social cohesion, using the structure of action and expression offered by the organization.

Through field action, advocating, fundraising and promoting values, I will work to tangibly demonstrate the federating, social and educational impact of sport.

The title of ‘Champion for Peace’ within the Peace and Sport organization, under the High Patronage of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco and presided over by Joël Bouzou, brings added value to my status of sportsperson and is an indicator of my action in the peace-through-sport movement. I am committed to make this title recognized at an international level.

I will strictly adhere to the Peace and Sport Code of Ethics.

As a “Champion for Peace” I am convinced that, together, members of the peace-through-sport movement can help build sustainable peace and make this a better, safer and fairer world.