
Peace and Sport France obtains Qualiopi certification

Oct 7, 2022 | News

Peace and Sport France has just obtained its Qualiopi certification. This certification was officially obtained on 16 August 2022 and aims to attest to the quality of the processes implemented as a training organization, but also to make the training offer more visible to partners and users.

The Qualiopi certification includes 32 indicators on 7 quality criteria, and is valid for 3 years, with a mid-term audit and a renewal audit before the end of the 3 years.

The advantages of Qualiopi certification

In addition to its certification role, since January 1, 2022, Qualiopi has been mandatory for training organizations wishing to receive funding for training activities (OPCO, State, Regions, Pôle Emploi, etc.).

Through this training organization, Peace and Sport France aims to democratize and enhance the power of sport to create a safer, fairer and more inclusive world.

The objective is to train people on peace through sport by offering a catalog of training courses focused on peace through sport pedagogy and adapted to the needs of organizations and individuals. These trainings aim to address the notions of employability through sport, peace through sport, and health education.

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