Zijun Han

Kashif Siddiqi

Florent Pietrus

Kaveh Mehrabi

Eliaquim Mangala

Imanol Harinordoquy

Rudy Gobert

Ruth Gbagbi

Pierre Frolla

Kevin Crovetto

Hugo Bonneval

Marie Bochet

Yohan Blake

Mutaz Essa Barshim

Carlos Takam

Siya Kolisi

Zsolt Moradi

Wilson Kipketer

Venuste Niyongabo

Gregory Vallarino

Tegla Loroupe

Tahl Leibovitz

Sylvia Poll

Stefany Hernandez
Our Champions for Peace
A group of over 110 high level sportsmen personally committed to the peace through sport movement, Champions for Peace are one of our fundamental founding pillars.
Through structured action and methods of expression that our organization gives them, they work to make sport a tool for dialogue and social cohesion.
Role-models, heroes and a source of inspiration for young people throughout the world, they dedicate their time, their fame, and their athletic experience to serve projects which use sport to tackle social issues.
In just a few years their combined action, their engagement and their determination have all helped to show that sport goes beyond sporting performances and plays a genuine role for serving society.
Champions for Peace Junior





Athletes: role models and catalysts for peace
Sport is a unique resonator in today’s world. With an unmatched audience across social media platforms, athletes have an exceptional capacity to influence decision makers. Inspiring millions of people, they spark solid expectations about the messages and values they convey.
Through the #WhiteCard symbol, the Champions of Peace unite and launch an appeal around three pillars:
- A major increase of budget dedicated to peace-through-sport education
- Coordinated policies, programs and fundings from sport and peace stakeholder.
- Mobilization of other athletes to maximize their social impact.
They supported us